Sunday, April 8, 2012

High Gas prices use Gas points at Stop and Shop

With gas prices going up and up with no end in sight. Here are some tips to save fuel and reduce the cost of it.

First i plan my weekly trips to avoid excess driving try to be efficient with your driving plan your driving and try to avoid excess trips. I emptied out both of my vehicles of any excess weight. I also inflated my tires a little bit more than normal. Lately i have been using the coupons at Stop & Shop for gas points and then i scan my stop and shop rewards card at Shell gas stations and can save up on each gallon depending on how much you spend at S&S its important to scan your s&s card before you use your debit to see if you get a discount. also there is a cool website that shows you the cheapest station near you i find Hess to be cheapest near me but they dont take s&s discounts so i usually use Shell if have shopped at the grocery that week. I also recently bought a YAmaha 50cc it Vino Scooter it gets 90mpg. I can't go on the highway but i use ut fir running around the city it can go 45mph see if you can find a used one in good shape and be sure to look up the local regulations in your area for scooters. in my state you don't need a motorcycle license to drive one if its 50cc. Its also a good idea to keep a few cans of gas in your garage in case theres a shortage and you need a top off or for your generator. I would rotate the gas and use it as gas doesn't keep as long as it used to, with all the additives they use today. Thanks for reading and BE PREPARED for any emergency!

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