Monday, September 12, 2011

Energy Efficient bulbs on sale this week

Energy Efficient bulbs are on sale this week at Northeastern CVS stores $2.99 (With CVS Card) plus you get $1.00 Extra Buck reward! Its like getting it for $1.99. I bought several and put them all around the house to reduce energy use and see how much i can save on my electric bill. I have stocked up on regular incandescent bulbs as they will be no longer sold in the US (More Regs) so i would stock up on both use the energy efficient ones to save money and hang on to a few case of the old style bulbs for future use!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saving Money using Coupons to Prep!

One good way to save money and build up a supply of food and household consumables is to actively coupon. First you need to obtain as many coupons as you can. Some ways to get them are your Sunday papers, Weekly mailers, Your neighbors extra coupons (if they are not using them of course wink wink), Online printable manufacturers coupons, some websites offer coupons that can be printed for instance Couponmom or couponnetwork etc. Some people even ask the local gas stations at the end of the day for the left over coupon inserts from the newspapers which they end up returning or throwing out, ask nicely what do you have to lose? Also you can go to individual manufacturer websites for your favorite products, many have printable coupons. Try to build up a stock of coupons like a data base. Usually it takes several weeks of actively searching and clipping to get a good supply to start saving real money. Local pharmacies such as CVS and Rite Aid offer reward card coupons as well these can come in handy when combining coupons with sale items and Xtra Bucks. That's the key take a little time each week familiarize yourself with whats on sale and pair up coupons with those specific sale items and maximize your savings. Stores like Stop and Shop offer double coupons as well. The key is to buy only the items on sale to slowly build up your stock. I like to search for the 10 for $10 dollar deals or Loss Leaders (Deep sales on certain items to lure you to impulse buy other stuff) and find coupons for those items, look closely you don't have to buy 10 to get that deal at Stop and Shop just buy 2 if that's all you have coupons for! Buy large amounts of items when you can get a great deal especially if the items are really cheap and are of the type your going to always need like TP! Set goals and start small for instance try to save 20% on your next shopping trip, then try for 30% or 50% be persistent. Treat it like a very small part time job and you will see the results. The goal is also to try to get some items for FREE by utilizing deep store sales with coupons and try to Stock up! Stay tuned for more couponing tips and survival prep tips!